From your dental team at Smiles Dental Aurora.
August 2024: Tips, eNews & More!
Say hello to August! We hope you have been enjoying a fun and relaxing summer with your loved ones and basking in the sunny warmth while it lasts. August is also the last month of many of our families' summer vacations, so make sure to book a cleaning and check-up appointment for your kids and give them a great start to their school year.
August brings the always enchanting celebration of Tooth Fairy Day on the 22nd, a time to revel in the wonder and joy of this beloved childhood tradition. Let's make Tooth Fairy Day a positive reminder to take care of your child's oral health and reinforce the importance of maintaining healthy smiles for the whole family.
If you or your kids love to play sports, especially contact sports such as soccer or hockey, this is your reminder to get fitted for a customized sports mouthguard. Read this month's article to learn all about mouthguards and how they can help protect your teeth and gums from injury. Contact us today to book a consultation appointment!
Have a safe and healthy month,
Smiles Dental Aurora Dental Team
Protect Your Smile with a Mouthguard
Did you know that between 13-39% of all dental injuries are sports-related, resulting in 600,000 emergency room visits each year due to sports-related dental injuries? Or that athletes are 60 times more likely to suffer harm to their teeth if they're not wearing a mouthguard? Mouthguards are flexible dental appliances that can be worn to protect your teeth from clenching, grinding, and sports injuries. If they aren't already on the equipment list for you or your kids' sports, add it now!
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Mixed Berry Crisp
August is peak season for juicy and delicious strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and more. What better way to enjoy them on a summer evening than a warm homemade crisp with cold vanilla ice cream or Greek yogurt. It's the perfect simple and fruity summertime dessert!
Check Out The Recipe!
© 2023 Smiles Dental Aurora
15213 Yonge St, Suite 6, Aurora, ON L4G 1L8
(905) 727-6453 |